It's Your Community.
Help Keep it Safe.

An easy community action and discussion tool

Our Community Report Tool

Help free up time and stress on your local systems by taking control of community safety from a citizen perspective. Work closely with officials and police to ensure that your community is safe and aware. 

Simple and Secure was built to be accessible to everyone on every device.  No download or account required, unless you want to have discussions on your community-oriented forum board.

Full Accountability

Through Community Actions Groups, residents and visitors in your jurisdiction have greater insight into how they can help keep their own communities safe.  This allows Law Enforcement to also provide Standard Operating Procedures and build groups to help tackle some of the biggest problems local law enforcement face.

See how our Community Tools can make your neighborhood safer, friendlier and more efficient.

Property Managers

Tools built to protect communities

Apartment Buildings

For living communities

Allow your community members to safely and anonymously report to property managers, building security and the police.

Simple and Secure

We built Community Policing Tools to help take the load off of your team. Your security, building management and maintenance work hard – but they can’t be everywhere. Give your residents the ability and means to add their voice to the community team, and your vibrant community will be that much more confident and secure. was built to be accessible to everyone on every device.  No download or account required, unless you want to have discussions on your community-oriented forum board.

Easy installment or custom systems

Make it Seamless

We offer efficient and cost-effective packages to fit the needs of your community, residences and buildings. We will work with your management and community to quickly implement a security platform. We use real time information that stretches across your requirements and adds stronger response capabilities.

See how our Community Tools can make your neighborhood safer, friendlier and more efficient.